Affordable .FR Domain Names
.FR is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet for France.
The French Republic or France is a country whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe and that also comprises a collection of overseas islands and territories located in North America, the Caribbean, South America, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. After Russia, France is the largest country in Europe (643,427 km2 with its overseas départements). With a population of over 63 million inhabitants, France is the second most populous country in Western Europe (after Germany) and the 20th largest in the world
Register Your .FR Domain Name @ $9.85/year
Why should I register a .FR domain name?
According to
a survey carried out by SOFRES for AFNIC in 2002, 72% of Internet users would like to have French companies registered under .fr. This figure underlines the the strong appeal of Internet addresses under .fr and its increasing necessity for an entity wishing to communicate with French Internet users.
- The .fr domain name presents a great opportunity for local and international companies wanting to represent their business in France.
- By registering a .fr domain name, your company can provide relevant and localised information about your product and services.
- If you have a local or a national target audience, you will highlight for your business contacts that you are located in France and thus subject to national laws in the event of any problem. If you have an international target, it may be desirable to consider the positive impact that the fact you you are identified as being "French" could have on your partners. By allowing them to "locate" you, the .fr begins a confidence-building process.
- The registrants of a .fr domain name are identified on an official database at the time of registration of their domain name. Making your web site accessible through a .fr domain name is to reinforce the trust of the visitors by showing them that your organization is legally identified in France. Pointers are provided to the public database(s) which were used to identify the registrant, allow any Internet user to know who (or what) is behind a .fr domain name.
Restrictions on use of .FR domains
Registration is open to any person, company, or organization located within France.
Domain names with less than two letters or one figure cannot be registered directly under .fr or .re. To know more about this, please read the AFNIC naming charter
More information about the .FR domain extension: